Jeremy Rhizor
baroque violin
Jeremy Rhizor plays the baroque violin and founded the Academy of Sacred Drama, an organization inspired by Baroque academies that champions the performance and research of sacred drama. Noted for playing “virtuosically but with fluid grace” by The New York Times, Jeremy performs with early music organizations throughout North America such as Aureas Voces in Nova Scotia, Alchymy Viols in Indiana, Ensemble VIII in Texas, Mountainside Baroque in Maryland, the Washington Bach Consort in Washington, DC, La Fiocco in Princeton and Bucks Co, PA, and ARTEK, Bach Vespers, Brooklyn Baroque, the Clarion Society, and Ensemble BREVE in New York. He is collaborating with a number of ensembles to start an historical arts incubator called MereArts in Upper Westchester County, New York. Recently, Jeremy was the guest concertmaster of the Indianapolis Baroque Orchestra, Lyra Baroque Orchestra, and The American Classical Orchestra. He is currently exploring the relationship between music and prayer and enjoys gardening at his home in North Salem, NY. Jeremy plays on a violin from 2017 by Gabriela Guadalajara in New York. jeremyrhizor.com